Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Rain Rain Rain

It looks like my baseball game is going to get rained out. We are having some nasty storms in NY right now. I'm actually not all that bummed, I wasn't really in a baseball mood today for some reason and if they do cancel the game I can exchange them for any other game this season or next. I'm perfectly happy to crawl in my bed tonight with a movie or Tivo instead. I have been wanting to try to make my own soft pretzles, so maybe I'll do that tonight.

In other news I am VERY sad to see the Gilmore Girls end last night, even though this season hasn't been my favorite. Besides Law and Order and CNN its pretty much the only show I watched regularly. What on earth will I do with my Tuesday nights now??

My goals this week for May Day Weight Loss are to drink more water or tea and to get up and take a walk at lunch, even if I've brought food from home. So far today I've done well, I've had 3 large glasses of water, 1 of iced tea (not sweetened) and I walked to the far away salad place for lunch, even though there's one closer.


Anonymous said...

I think that storm is coming my way... we're supposed to have bad rain - and a possible tornado - tonight!

My sister is bummed about Gilmore Girls, too! I never really watched it, but she was hooked. She wasn't thrilled with how it ended, though.

Good goals for May!! Good luck!

Karen said...

Brace yourself, it's a nasty one. Hopefully by the time it makes it your way it will die down a bit.

I didn't like how the show ended either. It was very dissapointing. A girl needs closure!