Tuesday, January 06, 2009


Made risotto tonight for the first time. Aside from the fact that I accidentally used brown rice and it took 3 times as long to cook as it was supposed to, it was very tasty.

Not sure it's worth all that stirring though. I may try it again with regular rice and see if that makes a difference.

 On the menu for tomorrow: pasta with homemade sauce! 6 days into the new year and doing fabulously at my goal of cooking from scratch 80% of the time. I am actually looking forward to making next week's meal plan!


Wendy aka Cheeky said...

recipe please.....

Wendy aka Cheeky said...

recipe please.....

Karen said...

It wasn't this one exactly, but it was close.


I used white wine instead of red and accidentally used brown rice which took a LOT longer. I suggest sticking with white.