I was in the Barnes and Noble at Union Square tonight after work looking for a book and there was this guy lurking in the aisles of the fiction section. I couldn't figure out what he was doing, until I witnessed it myself. He would plant a book (High Fidelity by Hornsby) in the wrong place and wait for a cute girl to walk by. Then he would stop her and ask her if she had read it. If she said no, he would explain the plot to her, and if she said yes he would ask her how she felt about it. I couldn't believe this guy's "game". I wanted to tell him that perhaps next time he should pick a book without misogynistic undertones, but he didn't ask MY opinion, so he can strike out on his own.
I love NY.
This could be a perfectly cheesy romantic comedy moment....
that's hilarious!
by the way, how have u been? haven't chatted with u in a while.
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