Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I did it.

I conquered one of my fears today. I went to the Dr.!

My hands were shaking the entire time and there were a few times I thought I was going to pass out, but I successfully made it through the appointment.

When I sought help last March for my anxiety, I don't think I ever really thought I was going to get here. I look back at how limited and fearful my life was back then and wonder why I chose to live that way for so long.

I recently read the book Resilence by Elizabeth Edwards and in it she talks about how much happier life is when you can realize the difference between life changes that are fixable and which ones are truly permanent life alterations we must accept to live with. I thought for so long I wasn't able (or maybe it was worth) fixing. I'm definitely not 100% there yet, but for the first time I feel like I started walking in the right direction.


Seeking Solace said...

Yay!!! I am so happy for you!!!

Wendy aka Cheeky said...

So proud of you.

You go girl! said...

Good girl. Now just make me do it. HA.