Monday, April 27, 2009

Cookin' and some fun in the sun

I managed to complete my EPIC weekend of cooking and now have a freezer STUFFED full of good stuff. My pasta sauce recipe made WAY MORE than I was expecting, so I will not have to buy sauce now for another year. Also, my home made hot pockets experiment turned out fabulously, so I have some of those stashed away in the freezer for emergency dinners and lunches. I will definitely be making those again and am glad I found yet another way to slash my grocery bill.

I was able to tear myself away from my kitchen on both Saturday and Sunday to enjoy the sun. On Sunday I ventured out on a walk around my neighborhood and found a park to sit in. Since I was just wandering I hadn't thought to bring anything with me so I think I may have worried a few parents who thought I was out to nab their child. Next time I'll bring some reading material and hope that makes me look less suspicious.

I can't believe it's almost May! Where on earth does the time go??

Friday, April 24, 2009

Going a little Culinary Crazy

I'm definitely getting back in the cooking from scratch/meal planning saddle. Last night I made PB&J Muffins for breakfasts.  Tonight I will be making a vat of pasta sauce and crock pot applesauce then tomorrow I will be making whole wheat rolls and attempting to make the 4 cheese hot pockets from scratch. I LOVE those things, but think I can make them myself for MUCH cheaper than I buy them and minus the preservatives.

I'm also going to try to get outside and enjoy this weather we are supposed to get. 87 by Sunday! WHOOO!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


My grandmother sent me my birthday card early so I could spend the money on my birthday trip if I wanted, so I went on a HUGE book buying spree! I bought the rest of the Twilight Series (I only have book 1) and some other guilty pleasure reads for the beach. I think half my suitcase is going to be books!

In other news the coffee machine at work is broken, but apparently only for me. Other people can use it fine, but when I try, it breaks.

I don't know how my coffee karma got messed up. I've never been anything but good to it!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


I survived the dentist. Wasn't too bad considering. Next up is having the rest of my wisdom teeth out, but I am going to wait until after my birthday next month for that particular fun.

Continuing my doctor tour, I have an eye appointment on Saturday. They won't let me renew my drivers license unless I have an exam and the doctor signs off of it. This must be some special NY rule. I don't remember ever having to do this in IL. I like shopping for new frames though, so that will be fun. I love having a bunch of different pairs to switch between. I also desperately need new prescription sunglasses. The ones I have been using are over 15 years old!

After this I need a medical break. Getting healthy is expensive!

Monday, April 13, 2009

A Monday of Bullets

- We MAY have turned a corner on the med side effects. The nausea seems to be more manageable, though I still am not seeing ANY benefits so I'm still not sure if I'll keep this up.

- Dentist appointment (again) tomorrow. With my anxiety I have avoided it for a LONG time, but am trying to face my fears as I look towards 30, so I found a dentist that specializes in dental phobics and had a consultation. Things don't look too bad for as long as I avoided it, but I have to go back tomorrow for some work. NOT looking forward to that.

- Had a uber productive weekend updating my retouching website, working on some new portfolio pieces and studying up on some new photoshop techniques. I've been getting freelance jobs here and there, and am hoping to slowly but surely grow my business.

I think that's it for me. How was everyone's Easter?

Monday, April 06, 2009

Just Seeing if these Anxiety Meds Really Do Work

I started to have some tooth pain this weekend and sensitivity to hold/cold so I bit the bullet, found a dentist that specializes in dental phobic patients and have myself an appointment tomorrow afternoon.

On the one hand I should feel proud that I've done something I have put off for YEARS and am facing a fear, but on the hand hand is PURE TERROR and anxiety.

Ugh. Hold my hand.

Saturday, April 04, 2009

Meal Plan!

I'm still on track with my meal plan and have noticed a HUGE change in my grocery bills lately. The past month I spent HALF of what I normally do. I'm really quite proud of my new found saver skills!

On the menu for this week:
Pasta with home made sauce (a repeat from last week, but I'm trying to rid my freezer of all this sauce I have stored up!)
Soy links & cous cous (never made it last week)
Apple & Cheddar Turkey Meatballs and Cream Cheese & Sour Cream smashed potatoes (so not healthy, but looked too good to pass up)
Blueberry pancakes (I've got a ton of frozen blueberries I'm trying to use up)

and as a special treat, Raspberry scones (also have a ton of raspberries I'm trying to use)...not to mention I am ADDICTED to the ones at Starbucks and am hoping to re-create them at home.