Monday, April 13, 2009

A Monday of Bullets

- We MAY have turned a corner on the med side effects. The nausea seems to be more manageable, though I still am not seeing ANY benefits so I'm still not sure if I'll keep this up.

- Dentist appointment (again) tomorrow. With my anxiety I have avoided it for a LONG time, but am trying to face my fears as I look towards 30, so I found a dentist that specializes in dental phobics and had a consultation. Things don't look too bad for as long as I avoided it, but I have to go back tomorrow for some work. NOT looking forward to that.

- Had a uber productive weekend updating my retouching website, working on some new portfolio pieces and studying up on some new photoshop techniques. I've been getting freelance jobs here and there, and am hoping to slowly but surely grow my business.

I think that's it for me. How was everyone's Easter?


Seeking Solace said...

Glad you found a dentist that caters to phobics. I have one like that.

Easter was quiet in my neck of the woods.

Wendy aka Cheeky said...

I feel your pain when it comes to the dentist...... Sedation is my friend.....