Saturday, April 04, 2009

Meal Plan!

I'm still on track with my meal plan and have noticed a HUGE change in my grocery bills lately. The past month I spent HALF of what I normally do. I'm really quite proud of my new found saver skills!

On the menu for this week:
Pasta with home made sauce (a repeat from last week, but I'm trying to rid my freezer of all this sauce I have stored up!)
Soy links & cous cous (never made it last week)
Apple & Cheddar Turkey Meatballs and Cream Cheese & Sour Cream smashed potatoes (so not healthy, but looked too good to pass up)
Blueberry pancakes (I've got a ton of frozen blueberries I'm trying to use up)

and as a special treat, Raspberry scones (also have a ton of raspberries I'm trying to use)...not to mention I am ADDICTED to the ones at Starbucks and am hoping to re-create them at home.


Susan said...

If you are into meal planning, you should checkout

Wendy aka Cheeky said...

Wanna come cook for me?

ccw said...

It all sounds very good. I need to get back in to planning meals because it really does save money and extra trips to the store to get this or that.