I survived the dentist. Wasn't too bad considering. Next up is having the rest of my wisdom teeth out, but I am going to wait until after my birthday next month for that particular fun.
Continuing my doctor tour, I have an eye appointment on Saturday. They won't let me renew my drivers license unless I have an exam and the doctor signs off of it. This must be some special NY rule. I don't remember ever having to do this in IL. I like shopping for new frames though, so that will be fun. I love having a bunch of different pairs to switch between. I also desperately need new prescription sunglasses. The ones I have been using are over 15 years old!
After this I need a medical break. Getting healthy is expensive!
You don't know me at all, but you read a blog a friend of mine writes and so somehow I started reading your blog. All that being said, I am really proud of you for going to the dentist and after much prodding, I made an appointment today. So there you go, you've helped one person with your blog.
Well at least you have seen everyone so no one feels left out...hehe
Glad the dentist went OK
I go to the dentist next week and I just know that not quite a cavity that needs filled yet will have turned in to one. I don't have a fear of the dentist but I hate having work done. Glad you're appointment went well.
I found new glasses yesterday when Teen L was getting hers. They are leopard or cheetah or something outrageous but this gorgeous shade of yellow and I so desperately want them. Of course they are from France and cost a fortune so I cannot justify the cost since I wear contact 99% of the time.
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