Tuesday, May 25, 2010

A Big Girl

Yesterday I put my big girl pants on and had a physical! Yes, that's right, I WENT TO THE DOCTOR!!!! I even let her take blood and give me a tetanus shot! I am so proud that I conquered my fear and The Boy was nice enough to buy me a donut as a post-dr appt reward! Fingers crossed all test results come out fine and that I don't have to have another appointment for a year! My arm KILLS post-shot, but hopefully that will subside in time for this weekends trip back to Illinois where The Boy meets The Parents.

Stay tuned!

1 comment:

Wendy aka Cheeky said...

Oh good thing I didn't blog about my last appt where they did my blood work.....I could tell you now....but I won't - I wouldn't want you to regress - HAHA

Good for you on feeling the fear but doing it anyway.