Monday, April 30, 2007
I'm a Believer!
These containers are AMAZING. I don't know how they do it, but normally bagged salad in a Ziploc bag keeps for a few days in my fridge and it's been in there nearly two weeks and it's still fresh! I'm an absolute believer now, and highly recommend these to anyone who has trouble eating their veggies before they spoil.
Sunday, April 29, 2007
A little perspective
I'm going to the gym.
Friday, April 27, 2007
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Kids These Days....
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Earth Day
Bring your own canvas re-usable bags to the grocery store.
Use energy saving light bulbs
Use cloth napkins instead of paper
Use non-toxic cleaning products
Wash your clothes in cold water
Bring your own mug to Starbucks
Unplug appliances or chargers when you aren't using them or when you go on vacation.
Anyone else made changes in your house? Leave your suggestions in the comments section!
Why can't jobs find us?
Recently a friend from work who is an MBA student and I went to work on our resumes. I had never had anyone with zero theatre knowledge look at it, so the fresh perspective was exactly what I needed. The changes she suggested were genius. Magically she was able to highlight the skills I have and make me look marketable. Hopefully this confidence boost will motivate me to start a more serious hunt.
One of the suggestions my friend made was to remove my list of lighting designs and put my lighting knowledge elsewhere. It was an excellent idea, but hitting delete on that section was hard. I haven't been a designer in over 5 years, but there was a time I defined myself by it. Besides one photograph that hangs in the hallway of my apartment, that section on my resume is all that's left that time in my life and it was a little sad to erase it. My resume was stuck in the past though, and it's time to move on. There are things I want to do with my life still and unfortunately reducing my life to 1 page of text is the only way to get there.
Friday, April 20, 2007
Today is the day.....
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Virginia Tech
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Kai Unplugged
My super has a car that he parks out in front of the building, but due to street cleaning, he has to move it each morning at 8:30. I parked myself outside his car starting at 8:15 and waited for him to show. At 8:29 he finally comes out and I tell him that I'm on day 2 of no power now and ask if he got my messages. He said he hadn't and after he moved his car he FINALLY went to check the breakers in the basement. He flipped some switches and my power was restored. The rest of my precious day off will be spent cleaning out the fridge and freezer and going to the grocery store. According to my Tivo, the power was out for about 25 hours and I don't want to take a chance on any of the food that was in there. Everything in the freezer was soft and warm when I opened it after the power was back on, so I'm guessing I should throw it all out. Ugh.
Apparently the electricians switched the system over yesterday morning and "forgot me". WTF? You've been in my apartment for the past four months tearing holes in the walls, leaving drywall dust EVERYWHERE and you forget to switch my power over to the new system?? Ugh.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
To Eat or Not To Eat
In my quest to be healthier, I've tried to become more aware of what I'm eating and what's in the food I'm eating. Awhile back I came across Ali's site at cleanerplateclub which has been a wealth of knowlege and resources. She recently posted about the expense of eating healthy, and how it's exponentially cheaper to eat unhealthy, processed foods than it is to eat organic/fresh foods. I'm only able to shop at Whole Foods about 50% of the time (due to (lack of) proximity to the store, not really economic factors) so I don't see much of a change in my food spending. I do, however, notice a significant increase in the quality of the food I come home from Whole Foods with. Potatoes in my local (and very creepy) grocery store are often literally 1/3 the size of the ones I get at Whole Foods. I like knowing that I'm coming home with food that's "cleaner".
I feel extremely lucky that, though not rich by any standards, I am financially able to choose my food and even my cleaning products based on companies whose business practices I support and those that are environmentally friendly. Whole Foods donates 5% of their profits to not-for-profit and educational causes and they cap their executive salaries based on the average of all employee salaries (it's still a high number, but the fact that an excecutive salary cap exists at all is amazing), and Method cleaning products are environmentally friendly and non-toxic.
I recently picked up a book called Twinkie:Deconstructed by Steve Ettlinger. He took each ingredient listed on a Twinkie wrapper and dedicated a chapter to explaining what it is, where it comes from and why it's used in foods. He used the Twinkie because it contains the most comprehensive list of ingredients that are commonly used in foods. It's an interesting read if you are at all curious where the components of food are derived from or why "beef fat" is listed as a "possible" ingredient in Twinkies.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Thursday, April 12, 2007
5 From Jenn
1. What inspired you to take up photography?
-When I was little my dad had a very old, manual film camera in a shiny silver case that he kept in his closet. My parents had this HUGE walk-in closet and I used to like to go in there and lay under the clothes (kind of like laying under the Christmas tree). One day I found the camera and asked my dad if I could have it. I never really did anything with it, until one day in high school when I got film for it and just started playing around with it. I upgraded to digital last year, but I still keep my dad's old camera on the bookshelf in my apartment to remind me of how I started.
2. Did you have little-girl dreams about getting married? Or is this a desire that came later in life?
- The whole white picket fence/2.5 kids/2 car American dream ideal was something instilled in me as a child by my parents. I was always "told" I would get married, which of course made me rebel and shun all relationships, but as I get older the desire to go through life with a partner and have a family grows stronger. I'm not sure I'll ever be able to completely rid myself of the stubborn independence I possess enough to actually have a successful relationship with a man, but I would definitely like to be in love someday.
3. If you could live anywhere in the world (and had the ability to support yourself), where would it be?
- This one is HARD because there are so many great places in the world. I guess my cheap answer is I'd like to live anywhere near a major airport so I could fly wherever in the world I wanted. Ideally though I think if money weren't an object I'd like to get myself a nice townhouse just outside Chicago in the near suburbs and live the best of both urban and rural settings.
4. What's one thing you'd like to change about yourself but for one reason or another have not?
- My weight. I'm stuck at a size 12 and would LOVE to be in shape, but my inherent laziness and love for donuts ultimately prevails and I can't ever seem to drop those 30 or so extra lbs.
5. Name one article of clothing you absolutely cannot live without. Why?
-I have these work-out pants I got 5 years ago or so through the Victoria's Secret catalog that are PERFECT. Not too tight, perfect weight for working out and all seasons, don't make noise when you run on the treadmill, ideal length and very slimming. I've run them into the ground and should probably not be wearing them in public, but I just can't seem to find a suitable replacement for them. I live in these pants and wish they still made them, but now that the "yoga"/form fitting look is in, I'm out of luck.
Because my checkbook doesn't have sprinkles
Today after I ate my very healthy (and tasty!) lunch that I brought from home of a lettuce & herb salad with crispy chicken, apples and dried cranberries, I snuck out of work to the Dunkin Donuts on the corner and ate 2 strawberry frosted donuts and 1 boston creme.
I am SO ashamed....How come paying the rent or working out doesn't give us the "high" that sugar does?
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
The Blues
Sunday, April 08, 2007
My trip was great and it was fantastic to spend time with old friends and just relax. I HIGHLY recommend the beds at the Marriott Hotel at Copley place. My first night I slept so hard I slept right through my friend's alarm the next morning!
I'm still unpacking and downloading photos from two cameras, so I'll write more and post photos in a day or two.
Happy Easter!
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
We won't have the same last name any more
For the record, I have no issue with my sister getting married so young. I don't believe there is some formula to happiness that everyone must follow. I firmly believe that everyone has their own path and choice to make and I am not one to judge other people's journeys. Personally, if she can be spared the decade of bad dates and disappointment that I have had to endure, then I'm all for it.
That said, I'm having an extremely tough time with this all. I am older than my sister by 8 years. Engagements, marriage, even requited relationships of any kind are all completely foreign concepts to me. It's hard to see your much younger sibling have major life experiences that you know nothing about. Life experiences you deeply desire to have, but are stuck playing the waiting game for, while the nagging voice in the back of your head telling you that nobody will ever love you grows louder each day.
I wish my family understood my pain, but they don't. They are too caught up in the excitement of finally being able to plan a wedding, that they completely dismiss my hurt. Instead they accuse me of being selfish and I can't even refute their claims, because they are right. What I feel is selfish and steeped in the "why can't it be me?", yet I'm powerless to feel different. The pain that being forced to help my sister pick out a wedding dress and choose flower and bridesmaid dress colors causes is like enduring the worst breakup of your life over and over again.
I'm not sure how to cope with the best day of her life being one of the worst days of my own.
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Comedy of Errors: Act II
Here's what actually happened:
I wanted to buy a new travel mug while I was there, and I'm super picky about the container in which I (illegally) carry my coffee in on the subway each morning. It must be easy to hold, spillproof and not look like a weapon of mass destruction. As I was browsing the display I managed to knock one over which started a nasty domino effect. Luckily I caught them before they hit the floor. Finally I picked one out, got a newspaper off the rack and brought my purchases to the register, only to have the 100 pages or so of magazine inserts/coupons fall out and scatter on the floor. Then I attempted to order my beverage, a venti Chai Tea Latte, but instead I said a venti Thai Chi Latte, making the 20 people now in queue behind me, the cash register girl, cute barrista guy and homeless man lurking creepily near the register chuckle. Thinking my floor show was over, I handed the cash register girl my credit card and hoped I could make a speedy exit, now abandoning my plan to enjoy my paper and coffee on the comfy Starbucks couch, but instead in the privacy of my own home, where I wouldn't have an audience to entertain. Then the cash register girl somehow broke the corner of my credit card off when she swiped it in the machine, rendering it useless. Thankfully I had enough cash on me to cover my purchases and my drink was ready, so I threw the money on the counter and bolted home to the safety of my apartment where I am now enjoying my coffee and paper peacefully without any Saturday Night Live comedy sketch antics.
Apparently karma plays April fools jokes.