Tuesday, April 21, 2009


My grandmother sent me my birthday card early so I could spend the money on my birthday trip if I wanted, so I went on a HUGE book buying spree! I bought the rest of the Twilight Series (I only have book 1) and some other guilty pleasure reads for the beach. I think half my suitcase is going to be books!

In other news the coffee machine at work is broken, but apparently only for me. Other people can use it fine, but when I try, it breaks.

I don't know how my coffee karma got messed up. I've never been anything but good to it!


ccw said...

Books - my favorite thing to buy.

You'll the Twighlight books. I enjoyed them all but the first two were definitely my favorites.

I'll send you some coffee!

Wendy aka Cheeky said...

Oh the Twilight books are GREAT beach books! I Love love LOVE them ALL!!!!

Hard Drive Repairs Hialeah said...

Great blogg