Tuesday, June 01, 2010


The trip home with The Boy to meet my parents went well. They really liked him and he seemed to enjoy himself and hearing stories about me and seeing my old pictures and stuff. We didn't end up telling my parents were are moving in together yet, but I hope to in the next few weeks.

I am feeling much better from last week's mini-flip out. A friend recommended the book called The Concious Bride to me which I checked out. Even though I'm not technically engaged yet, she thought I was having similar relationship anxieties about all the changes in my life right now and its comforting to know it's 100% normal to have adjustment woes!

Starting tonight I am beginning the SLOW process of weaning off my daily anxiety meds. I'm a tad nervous but ready to attempt life without them. Fingers crossed!


Seeking Solace said...

Glad everything went well with the parents and the boy.

Don't worry about weening off the meds. You have great coping skills now.

Wendy aka Cheeky said...

Glad the trip to the parents went well.

Take the weening slow and steady and you will be just fine!