Saturday, August 16, 2008

Not bad.

Last night's meet up with the wrong number guy went well. No romantic chemistry, but definitely an enjoyable evening with good conversation. He is quite a bit older than I thought (late 40s) but I still think he's someone I would occasionally catch a drink with just to hang out.

All in all a fairly good night for someone I "met" on the phone.


Seeking Solace said...

Glad it went well. At least you made a nice friend.

Wendy aka Cheeky said...

Ahh fun! And while he may not be a romantic prospect - one can never have too many friends to hang out with! said...

Crazy! You never know where you'll meet someone important in your life...

ccw said...

Glad it went well. Nice to meet someone new that you can enjoy spending time with as a friend.