Sunday, February 04, 2007

Superbowl...and Chest Pains...

With the Superbowl also comes a much lesser known event called PUPPYBOWL! If you are not familiar with it, turn on Animal Planet today and enoy the spectacle. It's truly a sight to see.

Last night I started feeling an odd tightness in my chest near my heart....I'm only 27 and I'm sure its nothing, but needless to say it has me a little freaked. I'm HOPING it's just a pulled muscle and it hasn't gotten any worse all day, but it's an odd feeling and I'd like it to go away. I wish there was some support group for people terrified of Drs.....I really need to be over this fear.

My fears about Eharmony boy have lessened, at least a little. In the 3 days he's been out of the country, I've heard from him every day, and he's even sent me some photos he's taken. It's nice to know he's thinking about me.

I'm an Ilinois girl so I'll be rooting for Chicago tonight. Go Bears!!!


Seeking Solace said...

I love the PuppyBowl!!!! My dog actually watches it with me!!!!

Anonymous said...

Puppy bowl is the BEST! The kitty half time show was CRACKING me up....thank GOD for Tivo.