Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Idol and Beds

- Can I just say how much I DO NOT want David A to win Idol tonight. I've never been a fan of his sound or personality and though I admit he is the more attractive finalist, I think David C is the more TALENTED contestant. That said, I'm 90% sure David A will win and that I will never watch Idol again, making this my first and last year of watching.

- I have a boxspring in my house that I NEED TO GET OUT. I have a platform bed that doesn't require a boxspring but the platform part needed to be fixed so I had been sleeping on both until I could get to Home Depot for the materials. I'm thrilled its fixed, but I have a boxspring laying against my wall and it's driving me crazy. I can't get it out by myself and there are only 2 days a week I can put it on the curb and I don't know anyone here who can help me. Grrrrr. I want my bedroom back in order!

1 comment:

Wendy aka Cheeky said...

HE WON!!!! They finally got it right - David C won!!!