Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Gym Motivation
Monday, October 30, 2006
Adventures in cooking Part 2
Hmmm....anyone know if that whole E-coli spinach thing is over?
Thoughts from a Job Hunt....
Wish me luck....I'm gonna need it.
Friday, October 27, 2006
Standing Update
On the upside she seems to have taken to completely ignoring me now. She has blocked me from our inter-company IM program and when I had to ask her a work-related question yesterday in person, she refused to respond to me. She sat at her desk looking at me and would not say a word to me at all.
Guess its time to job hunt....
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Standing Up.
Day 2
Monday, October 23, 2006
Lots of Nothing.....
*I really want to go out and take photos, but I've been so unmotivated lately. NY doesn't really have a good Fall season like the Midwest, so I haven't gotten any good outdoor photos lately. I'm going upstate to my cousin's next weekend so perhaps there will be some photo potential up there.
*Upstairs neighbor boy is clearly watching a sporting endeavor of some sort. He keeps pounding/jumping up and down and yelling. It seems to be loosely related to the Cowboys/Giants game I have on so I'm guessing that he's watching that. Can't decide if this is better or worse than the fighting with his gf/headboard banging I usually endure.
*Going home to IL to see friends, family and my puppy in 25 days! VERY excited.
*I think I'm getting sick. I'm seriously considering digging out the Nyquill and having a good knock out sleep.
*Had a fantastic dinner of my favorite biscuits and those soymeat sausage patties. Put two patties and two biscuits in the toaster over for 15 minutes and that's it! Quick, easy and no dishes. That's my kind of cooking!
*Speaking of cooking, I made my first attempt at chicken fried rice last night and it was GOOD! I'm so proud of myself. My first cooking success! A co-worker came over for dinner and loved it too (though I had a moment of panic this morning when I realized she wasn't at work today....I seriously thought I had killed her with my cooking! I text messaged her to make sure she was alive. She was.)
Ok off to bed (at 9!). Hopefully one good night's rest will cure me. I LOVE Nyquill sleep!
Friday, October 20, 2006
They make it look so easy in the movies....
And then there's me.
After days of holding my drycleaning hostage (damn inconvenient NYC dry cleaner hours!), I finally was able to retrieve my clothes from the cleaners tonight. Unfortunately today was also the day the clothes I ordered online arrived, meaning I had to make my way home with not only my dry cleaning, but also a rather large JCrew box as well as my purse. During rush hour. In the rain. (Irony of ironies...my dry cleaning consisted of my raincoat). As I fought my way through the turnstile, the hanger of my coat got stuck on one of the bars, flinging me and the box through the turnstile, and leaving the drycleaning hanging on the other side of the turnstile mocking me. Thankfully one of the policeman patrolling the station had seen my very smooth maneuver and passed my drycleaning through to me. I managed to make it on to the train without further incident, aside from accidentally stabbing a fellow train passenger with my coat hanger when I sat down. When I finally made my way to my stop and got off the train I remembered that my stop doesn't have regular turnstiles. It only has the revolving door ones which are impossible to get through when you don't have a free hand to push them with. I managed to go in sideways pushing the bars with my shoulder with my dry cleaning draped over my arm. Until the coat hanger once again got stuck on the bars and since it was rush hour and people were streaming through the exit, my coat went round and round until I was finally able to rescue it. FINALLY I make it home and step into the elevator only to find it has JUST been painted and the walls are still wet, so I stand very still being extra careful not to let anything touch the walls...and then the elevator stops and my floor and I remember that you have to push the door open, it's not one of the ones that open automatically. I manage to get a hand free to touch the faceplate of the door and swing it open and run out (though not without stabbing myself with the coat hanger) and make it to my door. As I throw the drycleaning down on the couch and my purse on the table. It hits me. I could have just WORN THE COAT HOME.
Stylish NYC gal trotting through the streets of Manhattan. I think not.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
I am SO disappointed!
Hmm...just like being hot makes up for being an ass in the dating world come to think of it.
Lesson Learned: You can be an ass if you are attractive or if you have skill.....at least if you are a man anyway.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
I wonder if the alpha junior high girls are part of the 2%.
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Love it Love it Love it
How I make coffee.
2. Fill coffee pot with water.
3. Spill water on counter while filling reservoir.
4. Clean Counter.
5. Put filter in, add coffee grounds.
6. Spill coffee grounds on counter.
7. Clean counter.
8. Wait for coffee to percolate. Spill coffee on counter while pouring into mug.
9. Clean counter.
Now I know why Starbucks charges so much.
You know it's bad when.....
Bonus points for anyone who caught the "dawn" pun.
Saturday, October 14, 2006
The sounds of Fall.....
This cooling off also means they turn on the heat in my apartment, which includes an extremely loud banging/hissing from the radiator in my bedroom. Every night without fail I am startled awake by the sounds. My heart pounds and I leap towards the baseball bat I keep by my bed (hey it's NYC and I live alone!) before realizing the clanking is not a burglar coming to steal my extensive collection of books and Target furniture, but just the sound of the radiator expelling heat. Googling the issue has turned up nothing useful. It's going to be a LOOOONG winter...sigh.
Friday, October 13, 2006
Date that keeps on getting worse AGAIN
"Thank god its friday...it was a rough week for me..u?"Why yes it WAS a rough week for me. Some guy was an absolute JERK to me and kept calling and harassing me because I didn't want to sleep with him on the FIRST DATE. Ugh.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
I have a bad case of the "i'll never haves"
I'll never have a child. I'll never own a home. I'll never know what its like to sleep with someone who loves me. I'll never have a job doing something I love. I'll never have a boyfriend....the list of nevers, never ends.
I know that everything on my list is a luxury, that I can only wish for those things because I have so much else in my life that is stable and my needs are more than met. It doesn't make me want them any less though. I yearn to experience a good love once in my life. My one experience loving someone was ugly, partly because he never loved me back and partly because he never respected my feeling and manipulated it to fulfill his own needs. I've never loved someone who loved me back. I have no concept of what it's like, and I fear the absence of it has made me cold to the world.
I was looking through my memory box the other night, and came across this card someone gave me for my last birthday. I don't think I had read it fully when my friend had given it to me and I was struck deeply by the words:
Some stories don't have a clear beginning, middle, and end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what's going to happen next. delicious ambiguity....So true and so hard to accept. I'm going to try though..there's beauty in the ambiguity...I just have to find it.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Stupid x 2
Will I ever get over him?
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
I am in DIRE need of french fries....
Went to an AMAZING concert for work last night. Most of the concerts I have to attend for work are small venues or clubs, but when our biggest artist played in NY last night, we all got to attend the show (with VIP seating I might add!) and it was amazing. I noticed a cute guy in a blue shirt in our section that I didn't recognize, so I did some major asking around and managed to find out he was a guest of someone in our digital distribution department. I managed to get him an invite to an after-party I attended and ended up chatting him up all night. Unfortunately he is from LA and was only in NY for 24 hours. Sigh. We exchanged some emails this morning, but after the perfunctory "nice meeting you, have a safe trip back to LA", "great meeting you too, I enjoyed the concert and having drinks with you" exchange I'm not sure what else I can say. Oh well...it was nice to chat up a cute boy for a few hours....makes the hangover slightly more bearable.
Monday, October 09, 2006
Apartment 4A Curse Redux
I wonder if I should warn them of the curse....perhaps a belated housewarming gift of sage to exorcise the demons?
Sunday, October 08, 2006
The date that keeps on getting worse...
I met a guy online a few months ago through Craigslist. I had posted something about looking for people to hang out with and he responded. We emailed back and forth for months before he said that even though he’s really apprehensive about meeting people online, he wanted to meet up. He suggested Friday after work…at 10:30pm! Even though it was totally a “I’m not committing to dinner until I see how hot you are” time, I agreed and we met up at a bar near work (I picked there because it was a place I was sure to know someone and the bartenders recognize me. I figured it was a safe place to meet up). We had a few drinks and the conversation was intelligent, yet still flirty. We stayed out pretty late and we finally left when the bar closed. As I started to walk to my train, he held my hand. Even though his train was in the opposite direction, I thought he was just being a gentlemen and walking me to the subway since it was like 3:30am. Once we got to the train I turned to say goodbye and he starts in on how he’s felt this “connection” and he wants to come home with me! I told him that I was sorry if I had given off the impression that I was that kind of girl, but that I do not take people I just met into my home. I thanked him for a nice evening and said goodbye. He kept yammering on about how we were both adults and how he didn’t see what the problem was. There weren’t many people around, so I decided to walk another 10 blocks to Grand Central where there was more likely to be other people around. He wasn’t being forceful in any way and I wasn’t scared, but I thought it best to try to walk to a more crowded location in case he got even more argumentative. By the time we got there it was nearing 4am and I just wanted to get home. I told him again very clearly that I was NOT bringing a stranger into my house and he kissed me goodbye and went on his way. I chalked his behavior up to typical tipsy horniness and still hoped to hear from him the next day.
He text messaged me a few times the next afternoon, mostly baseball trash talk since I’m a Mets fan and he’s a Yankees. It was cute though…he said he was coming back into the city that night (he lives on Long Island) for a party. I told him to have fun and that I’d be home watching the Mets game. That night (technically this morning) at 4:40AM my phone rings and it’s him, telling me he wants to come over. After telling him he was insane, that a guy who respects a woman does NOT call her up for a 5am booty call, he got mad saying he didn’t know why I was playing hard to get. After getting mad, I abruptly got off the phone and told him to go home. About 15 minutes later I get this text message “thanks for making me miss my train. I don’t know why u r playing these mind games”. I was IRATE. I resisted the urge to call him back and tell him off and shut my phone off and tried to go back to sleep.
I REALLY want to send him an email today telling him off, but I wonder if I should just let it go and quit taking his calls. I am so upset….his text message really pissed me off and I want to let him know. What do you guys think, should I tell him off or let it go?
Seriously, are there ANY men out there who respect women anymore??
UPDATE: I just got this text message: "my apologies for the 4am call...i was drunk and did not realize it was inappropriate"
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
I wish they knew.
Bad things happen in 3s.
Monday, October 02, 2006
I'm not going....
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Yesterday while wielding the MANY boxes of to-be-assembled IKEA furniture up the stairs of my friend's new apartment building, we met two of her neighbors. In the first 30 seconds of being there we met her neighbors. I've lived in my apartment for two years and have only heard the amorous sounds of my (apparently talented) upstairs neighbor and his latest conquest. I've never spoken to any of my neighbors, I don't know their names, occupations or even what they look like. I have a cordial relationship with the contraband cat across the way who sits in the window that looks into my living room, but that's it. No I take that back, during the blackout I met the drunk Irish guy who lives in the building, but apparently in his sober moments he doesn't remember me, since the other morning when I left for work I passed him and he completely ignored me, so I'm gonna say that doesn't count. I would love to know at least the people who live on my floor, but I'm not the type of person to go knocking on doors introducing myself. I guess my building is just the anti-social, loud sex having, cat hiding haven of NYC.