Saturday, May 05, 2007

I'm Gonna Get Older in 8 Days.

My birthday is on Mother's Day this year. I've been trying to organize a get-together with friends, but the few people I know in NYC are spending that weekend with family. I thought about flying home that weekend, but I already have a trip to Chicago planned for two weeks after and it seems silly to go twice so close together. So that leaves me spending my birthday alone, which in my current post-sibling engagement state of mind probably isn't the best idea. I've been browsing last minute weekend packages and found a pretty sweet deal to San Diego for the weekend, hotel and flight for less than $300. It's a long way to go for only a few days though, so I'm not sure if it's worth it. Its tempting though, the prospect of a birthday on the beach is pretty sweet.....I'm gonna do some research this weekend and look into it some more. I really REALLY don't want to spend my birthday alone, but if I have to California might be just the place to do it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aw, Kai, I'd totally hang with you if I was going to be around! :)

I hope you have an awesome birthday next week... but I'll be chatting with you before then, I'm sure!